Cake Decorating


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Results: 1 - 17 (of 17)

It may come as a surprise to find that a modelling supply specialist offers cake decorating equipment. However, for the avid baker, the right tools for the task of cake decoration is a must. In fact, cake decoration is a type of modelling like any other, and as such, requires specific equipment.

Here at Hobbies, we supply everything you’ll need for your cake decorating project. From airbrush colours and edible markers to super white and stencils- we really do have it all!

Whether you’ve taken up cake craft as a hobby or it’s your full-time profession, our high quality products and tools will ensure that you get first-class results.

Explore our full cake decorating range here on our website, or head over to our shop in Raveningham to view it in person!

Welcome to the wonderful world of creative cake decorating and sugar craft supplies by Hobbies

We are confident that this range of speciality products carefully selected and approved by Cassie Brown will enable you to create inspirational and exciting cakes to be proud of.

Our range of cake craft supplies starts off with our entry level airbrush kit which includes everything you need to start transforming simple cakes into colourful masterpieces, from this you can purchase our uprated airbrush which holds more liquid for longer use between refills and a more powerful air compressor, which can allow use of more than one airbrush at a time.

Magic colours have been our most recent addition to the cake craft range at Hobbies, with a great selection of vibrant colours from neon’s to airbrush friendly metallic colours and paints, plus many more colours than the range of Cassie Brown food dyes, we have also introduced their lustre dusts and edible glitters to make every little cupcake sparkly and stand out from the others.

We have some new turn tables that are rated up to 50! Kilos for displaying your master pieces on, and even battery operated smaller turntables for smaller cakes or cupcake stands, so you can show off your work with pride.

The Hobbies cake craft range keeps on growing with new products being added all the time and the best way to keep up to date is to simple follow our cake craft page on Facebook

If you have any question on our products please email us or alternatively call us on 01508 549330 and we will do our best to provide you with the answers you need.